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To seek the mysteries of the Heart is a job not to be taken lightly and will end with your death. People go down to this living dungeon, some try and make it a better place, others fail while others still only seek to advance their own ambitions. 

This began life as a project shared for my players as we are trying out Heart, to figure out niches in classes and callings we wanted to try out. I had a lot of fun making this and wanted to give others the opportunity to experience it. 

This PDF includes: 

3 Ancestries

  1. Orclings, grown in the Spire to work as muscle for the aelfir and help even out the numbers against the growing amount of drow and humans. 
  2. Dverga, they once had a great empire to the north, upon its fall they found themselves split into many clans taking on a semi-nomadic lifestyle. 
  3. Kraka, flightless corvids who seem to have originated within the strange place that is the Heart. 

2 Callings

  1. Deathseeker, you have no reason to live anymore not after what has happened, in the Heart maybe at least your death can serve a purpose…
  2. Lost One, You have no memories of who you are, perhaps you never were, but at least you’re gonna try and find out the truth. 

2 Classes

  1. Midnight Broker, there’s always gonna be opportunists trying to profit off strife, these gangsters have spread to the heart, the Midnight Brokers are independent contractors working with these criminals. 
  2. Necrotec, combine magic and science to raise undead servants to your bidding in your journey to achieve immortality. 

12 adversaries and 5 landmarks. These are mainly a bonus, maybe they can give you some inspiration yourself. Visit the Century Casino, a temple/casino dedicated to Lady Luck. Fight goons associated with one of the criminal gangs that’s taken root. Experience long forgotten memories in a rogue landmark or face sentient colonies of fungi. Take on the Blue Fairy, a legendary adversary based on the story of Pinocchio, but if it was a horror story instead. 


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